A Guide To Help Start Your Smoky Mountain Vacation.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Man, we're halfway through April and we STILL have a lot of things coming up this month! Visitors take note, because there are some new and interesting events going on in Pigeon Forge in the next couple weeks.

Festival of the Nations:
March 23th - April 22nd, 2013
One more week to go for Dollywood's favorite Springtime festival! In case this is the first time you've heard of it - the Festival of Nations gathers many of the countries of the world to Dollywood where many cultures will add to the entertainment of the park. Africa, India, China, France, Poland and more will all be there and providing some of the best shows you will see all year!

Hurry and see it before you need to wait for next year! http://www.dollywood.com.

Welcome Home Vietnam Parade:
April 15th - April 16th, 2013
Starting tomorrow, there will be a two-day period of recognition for our veterans of the Vietnam war with a tour package featuring shows and theaters honoring the men in service to our country on Monday and a parade in that same honor for Tuesday.

For information on that, call 865-774-8114.

Grand Spring Rod Run:
April 19th - April 21st, 2013
The first of the big three annual car shows going on in Pigeon Forge starts on the weekend of April 19th. If you love cars and the many ways to artistically celebrate them, the Grand Spring Rod Run is one of the best things you'll find in Tennessee all season! http://www.pigeonforgetnguide.com/car-shows/spring-grand-rod-run-pigeon-forge-tn/

Dolly's Homecoming Parade:
May 10th, 2013
We will be welcoming back Sevier County's favorite daughter - Miss Dolly Parton herself for the 28th Annual Dolly's Homecoming Parade. This is a big event for the city of Pigeon Forge and local businesses, so you will see some highly creative and expressive floats going down the main parkway, followed by the Grand Marshall herself, Dolly Parton. Parade starts at 6:00PM starting at Stoplight #3. http://www.mypigeonforge.com/events_dolly_parade.aspx

Stay tuned with us next month as we bring you more coverage on Springfest in the Smokies and any news on the new Island section of Pigeon Forge - www.allthesmokies.com.