A Guide To Help Start Your Smoky Mountain Vacation.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Throughout the month of August, the city of Pigeon Forge initiates "Celebrate Freedom", where many businesses offer discounts to current and former military personnel as well as currently employed emergency personnel/first-responders.

The full list of what which businesses are offering discounts and what those discounts are would overfill this article, but you can see the official list here. Later on in the month, there will be a four-day tribute to military and first responders at Smoky Mountain Resorts from August 15th to the 18th and a "Welcome Home Veterans" parade on August 27th.

Additionally, Stringtime in the Smokies will be going on at the Old Mill Square on August 6th and features Grassroots Gringos, Richard Bennett, Wyatt Rice and Robinella as performing acts. There will also be a Smoky Mountain Cornhole Tournament. Festivities begin there at 11:00AM.

More information on these events can be found at www.mypigeonforge.com/events.